About Me, Holly Lynn Donaldson, Massage Therapist

Holly Lynn Donaldson, specialized massage therapist in Indianapolis, Indiana. Ashiatsu, Ashi Thai, Therapeutic, Relaxation, Bamboo, Infant Massage education instruction, Prenatal Massage

Holly Lynn began her journey as a professional massage therapist in eastern Pennsylvania. She moved to Indianapolis in 2016 and has been enjoying the southside of the city ever since.

After her foundational schooling in professional massage, Holly Lynn expanded her knowledge by indulging in different types of massage and bodywork; taking multiple continuing education classes in topics she found interesting. Thus, always expanding her repertoire.

She enjoys offering a new perspective to massage and bodywork including unique styles such as barefoot massage, mat-based work, and creative combinations.
If she offers to stand on you, take her offer and enjoy the blissful experience!

Holly Lynn is Certified by the state of Indiana (MT20902273) and board certified through the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). Additionally, she is a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI) through the International Association of Infant Massage and a Certified Educator of Infant Massage (CEIM) through Infant Massage USA.

Aside from massage, Holly Lynn also enjoys studying martial arts, dancing, and spending time with her family. She is a certified martial arts instructor in Tai Chi Chuan, and has taught through the Tai Chi Chuan Club at Indiana University.